Thursday, July 30, 2009


Hello all, my name is Aaron Devine, and I am a counselor for seven of the guys at camp this week. Today was a full day indeed! Waking up, I prepared for the day, and, arriving in front of the office, I was cordially greeted by 11 campers, all bright-eyed and rearing to go hiking. Actually I don't think that the sleep was out of their eyes until lunch:)

God blessed us with a beautiful day, and as we hiked over a ridge we were greeted by the sun shining boldly through the crisp air.

Breakfast, again was wonderful, and we were fully satisfied as chapel began. We praised the Lord, Jesus, and then we listened to a good message from Mr. B.

After chapel we went to skill builders, and as I am the teacher of Camp Craft, I can tell you what we did. For the last day I have been trying to set up a compass course in the woods near the Square Fire pit, and finally this morning, I had it finished. So, when our skill builder began, I handed the kids a compass and sent them off to find the treasure! (With an accompanying staff member of course) The treasure was marshmallows, which we cooked over a fire that the campers built.

After skill builders we rushed down to lunch and ate quickly and then loaded onto the bus and were on our way to the Madison River for an afternoon of floating. Much fun, sun, and water was shared by all. Let me tell you, a raft loaded with twenty people in a shallow river is hard to move! But the strapping staff members that manned the paddles were well up to the task.

We finished the trip, and made the drive back, with many laughs, at least on the bus. I can see why sports teams take buses on trips. A good trip in a loud bus just serves to unify a group in a way that few other things in this world do. Dinner was delicious, and after I cleaned our table of the water that mysteriously appears (I believe there is a natural spring in the middle of our table!) we were released to half an hour of free time before fireside begins.

We all thank God for the day, and for the opportunity of serving your children. Please drive safely tomorrow, and we'll see you then!

May God bless you with the knowledge of Himself.

Aaron Devine

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