Hey, this is kelsey (pictured on the left), a counselor for the Indiana Jonies! Today has been a great day! Everyone is having a blast up here, and I wish that it wasn't the last week of camp. It is awesome to see all of these campers grow friendships with each other so fast!
We started off the day with an awesome group game where we had to use a straw to put m&m's on another straw. It was hilarious to see the campers and staff excited about such a silly game. I bet our photographer got some funny pictures. Then we had a "Mission Moment" with Jim and Beth Albright, our missionary speakers this summer. They taught us some songs in French and in the tribal language of Burkina Faso! We learned some cool things about how God can use our weakness to show his strength.
Then we had our Skill Builder. I am one of the leaders of Geocaching along with Darcy, another counselor up here. Our group had some fun using GPS systems to find treasures in the woods. We had a blast when we got to our destination and found whistles. (I mean who doesn't like whistles?) Then we took some awesome jumping pictures and shaky face pictures! When we were about to leave the area one of the campers, Shawn, pulled out his GPS and it was covered in something. When I asked him about it he said,"Well I just had some butter in my pocket." It was hilarious and he had to go change because he whipped butter all over his shirt and shorts.
After having lunch and TIE Time we had our activity areas where the campers were at canoeing, field games and the water pit, or a beautiful hike to arch falls. During these activities some of the campers had the opportunity to go paintballing. Because it was the first day some were nervous and some were excited, but in the end when all of them left they all had fun stories to tell and were sad about it being over.
Soon after dinner all of the campers engaged in a game of capture the flag (or rubber chicken)and were eager to run around and be crazy. While they were playing games some of the teams went to the zipline. Although some campers didn't go the others seemed to really enjoy it.
Then we had chapel. During chapel we had a super awesome time singing songs and going crazy praising the Lord! Our speaker, Landon, shared his testimony and showed us the importance of giving God glory in everything that we do. It was a great lesson for the campers as well as the counselors.
Overall it was an awesome day just to see God working in the lives of everyone up here. It is just amazing how great He really is! Right now as I'm typing in the office I can here the thunder rolling through the canyon, and it is truly wonderful how evident God is making himself up here. I am so thankful for all of the opportunities that we had today.
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