The first full day of camp was full of excitement and adventure!
The day began with the optional Ridge Run Hike, which several campers participated in at 7:00 AM. After breakfast, we had our first team challenge. One camper from each team competes at a time, and today the challenge was to stick cotton balls on our noses and run them to a paper plate, using only Vaseline and our noses! It was a lovely (and a little bit gross) event.
After that we heard from our Missionary in Residence about the gift of Life, and then we were on to Skill Builders! I am one of the Climbing Wall instructors, and though we only have four campers, we had a blast learning how to safely climb the wall and practicing some techniques. After lunch and Take It Easy (TIE) Time, we headed to one of several different activity areas. I had the privilege of going canoeing on Hyalite Resevoir with a few campers. We enjoyed the warm sun and the frigid water, and my arms might be a little sore tomorrow from all that paddling!
After dinner, we had a group game of Killer Ball which is like DodgeBall but everyone is against everyone! We just finished evening chapel where we heard from our speaker for the week, Brian Loewen, about the adventure that we are on when we follow the Lord. The campers are enjoying free time right now and filling up on sugar from the camp store. We will soon be heading to our cabins to get ready for bed! I must say that today was a successful first day of camp! Thanks so much for taking the time to share in our adventures!
(written by Amy Stenlund, college staff)
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