Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Gotta Love Those 'Mallows

Hey everyone! It's the end of our third day of camp. Only one more full day to go! (And some surprises along with it.)

As always, my guys were practically jumping out of bed to get to the morning hike, which I'm sure is something you parents would love to do. ;) My whole cabin was practically empty...all gone except for one. But that's beside the point. I'll fast forward passed the return of the hikers and flag raising; all the way to our morning group game. Being a counselor, I got the opportunity to lie on my back while campers dumped water into a cup I was holding on my chin...and then passed that opportunity to Andy. It was a great time watching dizzy kids pour water over their counselors! Then we enjoyed a quick game of pair tag before breakfast...omeletes and fruit.

As my fellow CIT's have mentioned,getting ten 8 to 10 year old boys to clean a relatively small cabin in an hour is harder than you think. Once all the bunks were clean it was easier just to send them outside to work on the walkway, and boy what a walkway it was! We ended up winning the Grimmer Award (well, we tied with another cabin but y'know...)

Chapel was amazing. I hold fast to the belief that anything is amazing when you add fifty pieces of Dubble Bubble gum to it. ;) The campers had to make a sculpture of a super hero out of chewed bubble gum in three minutes. We ended up with a pink Hulk, Super Pickle, the Super Slug, ElasticGirl, and some sort of centaur-thingy. It was great fun and the kids had a blast.

My first skillbuilder of the day was climbing wall. We watched the kids shimmy all over that thing. They're all turning into first rate climbers and belayers (not to mention knot-tiers!)

Lunch was quick, and then on to TIE time. Not much to say here, except that getting ten 8 to 10 year old guys to be quiet is almost as hard as trying to get them to clean their cabin! They settled down eventually, and afterword we got a little bit of free time before skillbuilders.

Camp craft! The essential skills every kid needs to know to survive in the woods. Monday we learned how to use a compass and set up a tent (don't forget knots!); Tuesday we learned what makes good firewood and where to find it, and then built a fire (don't forget knots!); and today we applied all our knowledge. While Aaron took one of four teams on a compass course, the other three searched for firewood and built their fires, which turned out to be excellent for roasting marshmallows. Yum! Oh, and we tied knots. :)

Before dinner I enjoyed a game of ultimate kickball. Dinner itself was delicious barbecue chicken.

After dinner was a game (whew, lots of games in one day) of killer dodgeball, and then fireside. Jerome and Harriet had great stories to tell us about the missionary David Thompson. And then bed! All and all, we had a great third day of camp!

Christian Vosler

Counselor in Training

Cabin 2 (aka The Super Dudes)

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