Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Zip line, Climbing, and Hikes

Well the day started out just like any other camp day, your children brushed their teeth and combed their hair. (don't worry they are clean) We started out with a little less excitement today...I think we wore them out a little. But don't worry, after lunch all the campers were back to their normal selves.

Today in skill builders some of the kids were at the climbing wall again and they are going to be world class climbers by Friday! Naomi and I have been able teach many of the kids some of the basic commands and knots for rock climbing. They are really getting the hang of belaying and are actually amazing climbers! On Monday most of them could not climb the easy wall at all and with a little practice they are running up and down the wall.

One of the other skill builders is a drawing class. This is a special opportunity for only this week. Our speaker, Jim Howard, is leading this class. He has been teaching the kids some of the basic drawing techniques and shading skills. They have been learning what things you can make out of your basic shapes.

During our activity time the girls took a hike through the woods to the highest point here on the camp. It was a time for the girls to do what they do best, TALK! We were able to play a good old fashion game of telephone once we got to the top. We had lots of fun bonding together and then we ran down the mountain before dinner.

While we were hiking the boys went on the zipline and had man bonding time! I am not really sure what they did, because, well...I'm not a boy.

Just before I wrote this blog we got done playing killerball...don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds. The game is just like dodgeball with a few minor exceptions. All the kids loved getting their counselors out and running around dodging balls. I think it might be the highlight of the the night.

Well I would love to tell you more about our day but I think fireside is about to start and as you know camp is a busy place. So I better run. See you Friday!
Cassie ("Powerful Pink Panda Peace Peps" Cabin Counselor)

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