Tuesday, June 30, 2009

On the Second Day of Camp my Campers gave to me...

... an amazingly full day.

Our Campers were up bright and early this morning and a large number went on the Morning hike. I am always surprised at how quickly they seem to leave me in the dust. When the dust settled back at the flag pole their was a tremendous roar from the campers as they got ready for the whole day ahead of them.

After flag raising we went down to the playing fields and played a game Called "Dress up-Relay Race-Ring toss onto Counselors"... or something like that. I was ringed by 9 funnily dressed campers from the always trendy Pink Chickens(I Might be bias to my team). Unfortunately It was not time for Breakfast so we had a three-legged race which was also quite fun.

"Is it time for breakfast?" "Yes but we have to let the campers go first." "aww nuts." -overheard amongst tired staffers.

But What a breakfast it was. We had egg and sausage sandwiches, applesauce and cereal for the picky eaters.

After that we sent the campers back to do the daily Cabin clean up and its mandatory. I understand how hard it might be to get them to do this at home. We hope it rubs off on them... Just trying to help you parents out a little.

The morning chapel was all about how Jesus is The Perfect Hero and that we need him to be our hero every day. The Rev. Kev from Helena really knows how to get your kids going.

Then I had the chance to teach your kids riflry. we had a lot of new shooters and I was very impressed with the girls who shot scores higher than the boys.

After lunch we had some more skill builders and then the girls chance to go on the zip line got rained out (but they'll get a chance tomorrow) and we played some games. After dinner it was Killer ball, a monstrous version of Dodge ball that you can almost never win. I JUST KEEPS GOING!!!

Now I have to get my campers to bed so we can do it all again tomorrow.

-Andy Thompson (Counselor of the Justice Burritos)

Monday, June 29, 2009

First Full Day of Camp!

The first day of 5th and 6th grade camp has come and gone, and what a fun day it has been! We have been blessed with 6 full cabins this week and lots of kids=lots of FUN!!

Each day we start with an optional hike and we had a multitude of campers come this morning, some cabins had all campers participate! This is always enjoyable for both campers and counselors, as we get to start our day with a beautiful view of the Cottonwood Canyon from the highest point of the hike. After the hike, the hikers were joined with the entire group for flag raising followed by a game of over-under and leap frog. And of course to top the beginning of our morning off we had an excellent breakfast of french toast and bacon. This week we are especially blessed by three extra cooks from Helena and they are good!

The cooks came with our speaker Kevin Schaeffer, youth pastor of Helena Alliance, and 6 highschool students. Each of his students dresses up as a super hero, we have Superman, Batman, Mr. Incredible (our very own Program Director David Denny who has a striking resemblence to the hero), Wonder Woman, Storm, Robin, Captain America and Cat Woman. They are interviewed and today Kevin stressed the importance of choosing the right hero.

The kids then go to 2 different skillbuilders through out the day. This week we are offering Climbing Wall, Canoeing, Archery, Riflery, Camp Craft, and Arts & Crafts. We alos have an activity area purely for the campers enjoyment. The boys all got to ride the zipline and the girls either went climbing or played folf. I got to lead the folf group and what a fun group. We had our very professional golf clap perfected by the end of our course.

Tonight at Fireside we sang some great songs and had a moving story about our missionary spotlight David Thompson. If you would like to learn more about him his personal testimony is on youtube, or his missionary support page is posted under the missionary link on the national Christian and Missionary Alliance webpage. We also got to hear the very endearing story of how Jerome and Harriet (our missionaries here in residence for the summer) met.

Well the beautiful colors of the sunset are starting to fade after our short thunder head earlier this evening. My name is Joni Weidenaar, I am an assistant Program Director, and have been very blessed to see returning faces this week.Thank you so much for entrusting us with your children. They are a joy and a blessing to us at YAA.

God Bless!!


Sunday, June 28, 2009

5th and 6th Grade Camp Has Begun!

Another camp has started at YAA and it couldn't have started better. As campers arrived there was plenty of games going on and everyone was getting to know one another. As people got more comfortable with each other, we got into each of our cabins and came up for our cabin names. Here they are:

Guys' cabins: The Titans, Fast Food Guys, and the Justice Burritos (yeah... they're definitely guys)
Gals' cabins: Team Extreme, Silly Stallions, and Supersonic Sunshine Girls (yeah... definitely girls)

After having dinner, we had some games to get the excitement up. Eventually, we divided the campers up again into teams for our competition games. They come up with some other creative names:
Nation of Domination, Laughing Llamas, Matrix, and Pink Chickens
Make sure to ask your kids about all the cheers they came up with.

After having fun with a lot of tug-o-war games, we had a little free time and then went to Fireside. Fireside is a time where we have the staff put on some silly skits and then do some interactive worship songs. We then have Jerome and Harriet Jackson, our mission spotlight couple, tell stories about amazing things that missionaries do throughout the world. This week Jerome is talking about David Thompson, a missionary who grew up in Cambodia and did work in Gabon. Jerome is a excellent story teller and gets everyone on the edge of their sit. I had a very hard time following him.

I followed Jerome by telling everyone about the mission organization that we are supporting this summer. Each summer, YAA chooses a missions group to raise money for. Since our summer theme involves heroes, we wanted to support a mission that dealt with fighting injustice. The obvious choice was the International Justice Mission (IJM). IJM deals with civil injustice throughout the world. Things that range from slavery to women's rights, IJM has dealt with. They fight for those that do not know how to fight for themselves. Each week we present campers the opportunity to save a portion of their store money to give towards IJM. Its a great way for them to feel a part of something bigger. I look forward to sharing more stories as the week progresses.

Well, campers are starting to go to bed, and I hope to follow suit real soon. My name is David Denny and I am the Program Director at YAA. I love being able to schedule all the fun that your kids will have this week. I will ask a different counselor to talk about their day so you can get different perspectives on what is going each day. I hope you enjoy what they have to say. God Bless and we look forward to seeing all you parents later this week.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

YAA Day 4

Today was another fun packed day at YAA. Kicking it off with a hike to the top of a ridge and watching a beautiful sunrise! The morning hikes are a great way to get the campers up and ready for the day ahead of them. Although the number of hikers did dwindle as the week carried on and fatigue set in, we do have a couple persistant campers.
After finishing up breakfast, the campers were off to clean up their cabins in hope of winning the Grimmer Award. (The prize given to the cabin with the cleanist courters) Today was a special day, because we had a tie between The Fantastic Pink Squad and The Green Rubber Duckies.
Chapel followed the quick clean up and Pastor Jim talked to us about not leaving the straight and narrow path. Even though other routes look more appealing or safer, we have to remember to stick to what God has told us to do.
After that we went on to do our last morning skill builders. Campers went to either; arts and crafts, archery, or the climbing wall.
These were infact the last skill builders they have, because this afternoon when they usually would be at their second skill builder they were participating in the YAA Amazing Race! This race gave them opportunities to use the skills they were taught to perform different jobs. They did different things such as; building a fire, climbing to the top of the wall, or shooting a jug of water with a bow and arrow.
The games ended with a whole bunch of different water games. The soccer field had six different stations where campers would throw water balloons at eachother, and shoot water balloon sling shots throw hula hoops for points. The grand finally was an all camp water balloon fight and slip and slide.
In the end it was a water filled, fun packed day of camp! The kids worked and played hard all day, and with definitely be sleeping hard tonight! :)
Thank you for allowing me to counsel some of your children and get to run around with them having a blast!
Serving Him,
Benjamin Li King (Cabin Hulk's assistant counselor)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Zip line, Climbing, and Hikes

Well the day started out just like any other camp day, your children brushed their teeth and combed their hair. (don't worry they are clean) We started out with a little less excitement today...I think we wore them out a little. But don't worry, after lunch all the campers were back to their normal selves.

Today in skill builders some of the kids were at the climbing wall again and they are going to be world class climbers by Friday! Naomi and I have been able teach many of the kids some of the basic commands and knots for rock climbing. They are really getting the hang of belaying and are actually amazing climbers! On Monday most of them could not climb the easy wall at all and with a little practice they are running up and down the wall.

One of the other skill builders is a drawing class. This is a special opportunity for only this week. Our speaker, Jim Howard, is leading this class. He has been teaching the kids some of the basic drawing techniques and shading skills. They have been learning what things you can make out of your basic shapes.

During our activity time the girls took a hike through the woods to the highest point here on the camp. It was a time for the girls to do what they do best, TALK! We were able to play a good old fashion game of telephone once we got to the top. We had lots of fun bonding together and then we ran down the mountain before dinner.

While we were hiking the boys went on the zipline and had man bonding time! I am not really sure what they did, because, well...I'm not a boy.

Just before I wrote this blog we got done playing killerball...don't worry it's not as bad as it sounds. The game is just like dodgeball with a few minor exceptions. All the kids loved getting their counselors out and running around dodging balls. I think it might be the highlight of the the night.

Well I would love to tell you more about our day but I think fireside is about to start and as you know camp is a busy place. So I better run. See you Friday!
Cassie ("Powerful Pink Panda Peace Peps" Cabin Counselor)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Archery, Fireside, and Good Food!!!

Howdy Everyone! We have had another exciting day here at YAA. Your kids have been keeping us busy as ever. We once again started our day off with an optional hike, which saw a few less participants than the hike yesterday morning. Those that did do the hike did a very good job on it. Pastor Jim came along and he talked to us about the different birds on the hike and the calls they make. It was quite interesting.

After the hike we lined up and watched as they rose our nations flag. Directly after that we went down to the field and had a relay race with our teams. Each member of the team had to put on some shorts, two shirts, and some sort of headgear and then proceed to run down the field and throw two hula hoops over one of the counselors. The "Jumping Jackalopes" soared into first place in this event.

We then went to the dining hall and got to partake in a delicious breakfast cooked by our awesome cooking staff, not without singing a song first of course. This is where "Cabin Hulk" relinquished the Grimmer they had carried for the past day. It was once again up for grabs. The cabins quickly went about furiously cleaning their cabins in hopes that they would win the Grimmer.

Chapel followed this cleaning where we got to hear Pastor Jim talk about Pilgrim and what happened when he reached the Shining Gate. We heard how Jesus died on the cross so that we could become part of his family. Overall it was a very good message.

After chapel had concluded it was off to our morning skill builders. I teach the archery skillbuilders. Your kids are learning all they need to become the next "Robin Hoods". It went very well. Others had fun making crafts and climbing on the climbing wall. From what I hear fun was had by all.

We then proceeded on to the dining for another amazing meal prepared by our cooks. This is where the Grimmer was awarded from the cabin clean-up. "The Pink Panda Peace Peeps" won it this time, but "Cabin Hulk" is looking to come back and regain the title.

Some quiet time in our cabins followed where we all got some much needed rest. Then they had some freetime. The last skillbuilder was next and I was once again teaching another group some archery. Some of the other were doing some camp crafts, which is about setting tents and building fires and such, while others went and learned how to draw with Pastor Jim.

After the skillbuilders the girls went on the zipline and judging by the screams they had a good time. The guys went on a hike and played some capture the flag.

Lowering our flag was our next task and then we went and had another amazing meal. Some of the kids, as well as staff recieved the letters you all wrote them and had to sing "I'm a Little Tea Pot" to get them. It was quite enjoyable for all of us, well except maybe for those that had to sing. Though they were all excited to hear from home and get some of the goodies you all sent.

We then played some capture the flag and had some free time. Right now your kids are over at fireside getting ready to hear some more about a missionary named Mary from Scotland. The kids have really enjoyed hearing this story and are always anticipating the next part.

I thank you all so much for allowing us to be a part of your kids lives for this week. They have definitely made an impact on my life. Well I better get to fireside.

Thanks again,

Nathan Brown
(Cabin Hulk counselor and the guy in the green sweatshirt in the photo)

Monday, June 22, 2009

sunshine, grimmers, dodgeball and rain!

We started out our day (June 22) at 7am with a voluntary hike up the ridge. I am so pleased to say that we had all 17 campers hike with us this morning! Parents, be proud because us staff are still struggling with the steepness of the hike, and your kids did it in a breeze! We will see how many we still have volunteering to hike at 7am on Friday morning as we go through out the week :o).

After the hike, we honored our country with the raising of our flag and reciting the pledge of allegiance. From there we moved on down to the field to play some intense tug-o-war. It was a great way to get our energy flowing, and our bellies ready for some delicious breakfast! Every meal we gather together outside of the dining hall and begin with a ridiculously hilarious camp song led by Joni (Assistant program director.) After our song we say a prayer for our food and then proceed with our meal.

After we all worked hard at cleaning up our cabins, we listened to Pastor Jim share in chapel. Pastor Jim is an amaing artist and is sharing with us the story of Pilgrim's Progress as he illustrates the story simultaneously.

Post chapel, we all scattered to our various skillbuilder activities. I (Naomi King-Counselor) head up the climbing wall with Cassie (counselor) and had the privilege of teaching 6 campers the basics on how to climb and belay safely. I believe the other skill builder activity was arts and crafts. Based on the beaded bracelets and necklaces I have seen around, I think they had a pretty rockin time! Encourage your kids to share with you what they have learned in their skill builders when you see them on Friday. They will be proud of the knowledge they have gained!

From there we enjoyed some time in the camp store, and headed up to the dining hall for lunch. At lunch they announced the winner of the grimmer (cleanest cabin) award. Cabin "Hulk" received the grimmer for the day with the "Peace Peeps" coming in a close second! This trophy awards the cabin first in line at breakfast tomorrow morning! After lunch we enjoyed some nice relaxation time on our bunks. Most of my girls spent their time writing letters to you all (parents) and asking me how soon they can write a second one after the first gets there! (See, they do miss you!!) We enjoyed some amazing sunshine and went to our second skill builder activities, and then played several variations of tag. Who knew there could be so many?! This was a great way to spend some of that bottled up energy that 9 and 10 year olds can so easily keep hidden.

After playing hard all afternoon, we saluted the flag as it was lowered and once more entered the dining hall for a delicious dinner! We studied a few Bible verses that Pastor Jim challenged us with, and then hit the field again for some more games. This time we played some intense dodgeball that came to be a big hit! The kids were so into it that it started raining on us and they barely even noticed!

So now we are enjoying the rest of our evening with some reoccuring Montana summer rain, and preparing for an indoor fireside tonight. Thank you all for entrusting us with your wonderful children for the week. We are doing everything in our power to care for them in a safe, Christ-like manor. Keep checking back for more posts from other staff members throughout the week! Blessings be with you all!

Naomi King

"Powerful Panda Peace Peeps" Counselor

Fun first day of camp!

3rd and 4th grade camp has begin!!!

Yet another fun camp has begun at YAA. When everyone arrived, we started off with a few games to get to know people's names. Everyone was excited to start running around and enjoy the sunny day. Along with learning everyone's name, each cabin created their own name.
The two guys cabins are "The Green Rubber Duckies" and "Cabin Hulk."
The two girl cabins are "The Pink Panda Peace Peps" and "The Fantastic Pink Squad."

After running around for awhile and having fun, we gathered at the fire pit to hear from Seth, the Assisstant Director, about some of the rules of camp. Seth also shared about a couple of awards. The Ridge Runner award is for anyone who does the morning hike every day of camp. The Grimmer award is for the cabin who has the cleanest cabin each day, and the Soaring Camper award is given to the camper(s) who shows a servant heart and models Jesus throughout the week. The Soaring Camper award is voted on by all the campers and staff. I'm excited to see who gets each one.

After having a delicious meal, we played another game. This time, we split up everyone, including counselors, into three teams for alittle competition. These teams will last throughout the whole week and a winner will be announced at the end. The three teams are called "The Squirrels," "The Jumping Jackalopes," and "The Killer Whales." Make sure to ask your kids about their team cheers. They are a creative group.

I am David Denny, the Program Director at YAA, and I am very excited to get things started on this summer's blog. Throughout the week, I will select a different staff member to talk about their day at camp at the end of everyday. I hope you enjoy the updates just as much as we enjoyed living them out thoughout this week. Thanks for reading. Look forward to seeing you all on Friday.